401k Plan Professionals Annual Summit: October 4, 2018

Our 6th Annual Summit is right around the corner. We are excited to see our partners and clients and share with you what we’ve learned during the last 12 months.

If you are a plan sponsor or know of a plan sponsor who would like to attend, we would love to have more guests to connect and share with. If you do plan to attend the Summit, please RSVP to Jessica.ballin@lpl.com by September 27th, 2018. We can’t wait to see you in October!

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2018 NAPA Young Gun Cover Story with award-recipient, Jessica Ballin

Jessica Ballin, principal at 401k Plan Professionals, earned a spot on NAPA's 2018 Top Retirement Plan Advisors Under 40 -- the "Young Guns".  She is featured on pages 37-40 in the cover story, which you can read and view in the PDF below.

Did you know? NAPA stands for the National Association for Plan Advisors. It is a trade association for retirement plan advisors and NAPA lobbies at the capital to ensure Congress does not limit the ability for Americans to save for Retirement. 

Note for viewing: You can enlarge the view to 'full screen' by clicking the square image that appears in the bottom right of the pane. You can also navigate left and right & zoom in and out as you move through the information.